Opening times
Museum is open in 2024 from 23rd March until and including Saturday 2nd November. The shop will open Saturday 16 March. Monday to Saturday: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Sunday: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Last entry is one hour before closing |
Adults: £6.00 Children (under 16): £3.50 Family ticket: £18.00 (2 adults & up to 3 children) Under 5s & carers free Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult |
11 - 17 Newbegin Hornsea East Riding of Yorkshire HU18 1AB 01964 533443 [email protected] Entrance in the museum shop
*Terms and conditions apply. Click here for full T&C.
*Craft days and events excluded. |
Limited mobility and wheelchair accessibility
The museum aims to accommodate wheelchair users and people with limited mobility wherever possible. Ramps allow access to all ground floor areas. Videos and photographs of the first floor can be viewed on a digital display on the ground floor of the farmhouse. The museum is unsuitable for motorised wheelchairs and scooters. Please contact the museum for further information. An accessible toilet is available. |
Tourist Information point
The museum has many leaflets giving information on attractions in the surrounding area. Our shop staff are not tourist information specialists but are always ready to help with your enquiry.